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Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Herbs In Magick

We can use our herbal allies in our magick and healing work; what follows is a broken down by intention and the herbs that can be used for these intentions.

Abundance: bluebell, grape, honeysuckle.

Banishing: basil, clover, fern, lilac, mugwort, pepper, sandalwood, clove, cumin, star anise, neetle, wormwood*, garlic,  myrrh.

Dark Magick/Hexing: basil, garlic, geranium, honeysuckle, lilac, pennyroyal, blessed thistle, high john, horehound, mandrake*.

Divination: anise, bamboo, basil, cinnamon, clove, daisy, dandelion, eye-bright,  ivy, lavender, lilac, marigold, rose, rue, sage, star anise, strawberry, thyme, vervain, yarrow.

Healing: aloe, agrimony, basil, blackberry/bramble, lemon, lavender,  bittersweet, heal-all, cardamom, cinnamon, clove, flax, frankincense, mustard, saffron, sandalwood, thistle, wormwood*.

Love: basil, rose, apple, daisy, dill, fern, heather, honeysuckle, sage, thyme, violet, cardamon, coltsfoot, ginger, mullein, mustard, nutmeg, orris root, saffron, water lily. 

Money: anise, basil, cinnamon, flax, goldenrod, high john, mustard, nutmeg, patchouli, saffron, thyme, vervain, sunflower, spearmint, snapdragon, poppy, periwinkle, peppermint, marjoram, lemon balm, goldenseal, gardenia, dill, dandelion, fern, clover, comfrey, blackberry. 

Protection: aloe, basil, bamboo, bittersweet, blessed thistle, bloodroot, cinnamon, clove, clover,  coriander, cumin, daisy, dill, fennel, flax, high john, ivy, lavender, lilac,  mustard, pepper, reed, rue, snapdragon, sandalwood, thistle, water lily, wormwood*. 

You can use these herbs in candle magick, mojo bags, poppets, etc. Only after you have checked a reputable source can you use herbs internally or externally.


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