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Saturday, July 15, 2017

Peaceful House Potion

Peaceful House Potion

This potion is going to be used to help keep peaceful energies around the house; you can anoint thresholds (magickal places indeed), door knobs, put it in a spritz bottle and spray it in the air as a mist. Use this before difficult discussions that may spark arguments or after a fight.

**please note that you must have a special spoon, cooking pot, and strainer for this potion- this has to be a separate one from everyday culinary use!**

Items Needed
  • A bottle (glass is preferred, you can get a canning jar at a local craft store for under $5.00)
  • 1& 1/2 cups Spring Water
  • apple cider vinegar or vodka about 1/2 cup*you only need one*
  • Lavender herb(handful 1/4 cup) or essential oil (10-20 drops)
  • Lemon Verbena herb (handful 1/4 cup) or oil (10-20 drops)
  • Sage Leaves (handful 1/4 cup) or oil (5-10drops)
  • 2 whole Star Anise
  • 1 whole cinnamon stick
  • pot used exclusively for making potions (you can get one cheap at a consignment shop or thrift store- I got mine for .90 cents)
  • A wooden spoon you use exclusively for potion making.
  • Stove or Camp fire. (wood and matches if you choose to make a fire outside)
  • Strainer used exclusively for magick.

Timing: The timing for making this potion should be new to full moon.
Prepare yourself as you see fit before hand (this could include a ritual bath with salt or smudging yourself with burning sage or smokeless sage spray.) Prepare your space by getting the cooking pot, spoon and measured water. Add the water into the sauce pan and add in the herbs or oils bring the mixture to a rolling boil then turn down the heat to a low simmer. Stirring the potion in a clockwise manner chant the following several times:

Water & herbs mixed; a potion is formed
Bad energy & anger will be transformed
Peace & tranquility creates a powerful brew
Restoring my home anew.

When you feel this potion is complete (about 30 minutes on a low simmer) strain the mixture into the jar let it cool a bit and then add in the vodka or apple cider vinegar. This potion should last for 30 days if not longer, keep it in a dark cool place, out of direct sunlight. Be sure to make sure you are not allergic to any of the items because they will come in contact with your skin. You can do a test patch in a small hidden spot on your body to make sure there is no reaction before using this product around the house- this is not a BATH and should not be used as such it's just meant as a wash.  Washes are a popular practice in the magickal practice of hoodoo.

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